Finding Harmony Between Human and Artificial Intelligence

Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are having an increasing impact on many aspects of daily life. Artificial intelligence refers to the capability of a machine to mimic or approximate the capabilities of humans. Examples include: tasks such as recognizing spoken words (speech recognition) visual classification and perception (computer vision) understanding user meaning (natural language understanding) […]

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Don’t Believe Everything your CSAT Scores Tell You

When companies compete on the basis of customer experience, the metric that is most often used to gauge performance is customer satisfaction (CSAT). And while CSAT is certainly an important measurement for any company to track, it’s not the only (and probably not the most complete) one. Since CSAT is measured at the end of […]

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What is Multi-Factor Authentication (and How Do You Implement it?)

As a company, it’s important to provide the best security for your customers. And with so many potential ways for strangers to hack into accounts and steal someone’s identity, a foolproof way to verify your customer’s identity is crucial – for your business and for your customers. While a simple password may help, requiring additional […]

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9 Tips for Taking Social Customer Care to the Next Level

For many consumers, social media is increasingly becoming a preferred care channel. But for businesses, this channel comes with its own unique challenges that distinguish it from the rest of your customer care strategy. The opportunity in social customer care — whether that is an opportunity to meet your customers on their channel of choice, […]

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What Drives up Customer Effort? (And How do you Fix It?)

It’s no secret that providing a great customer experience brings tremendous benefits for brands, including increased customer satisfaction, improved brand loyalty, and even additional revenue opportunities. What’s challenging, however, is that high CSAT scores are increasingly hard to come by (regardless of industry), and up to 40% of customers are already frustrated before they even […]

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3 Facts You Need to Know About Machine Learning

At Interactions, we talk a lot about machine learning, but its definition and use are often misconstrued. Whether we know it or not, we encounter some type of machine learning on a daily basis, making it increasingly important to understand what it is, how it works, and how it will affect our future. So what […]

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Your Customers are Waiting – But for How Long?

Across industries, it’s easy to see that CX is increasingly becoming one of the most important competitive differentiators (more than 80% of companies, in fact, say this is true for them). It’s true that customer experience encompasses a wide range of functions for a brand — from website experience, to shopping and purchasing experiences, to […]

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