Machine Learning: Who’s Using it and Why

Whether we realize it or not, we encounter machine learning on a daily basis. Aside from in our day-to-day lives, industries from retail to government and more are depending on machine learning to get things done. Below is a short list of how different industries are utilizing this technology.  This is not a complete list, […]

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How Angry Customers are Shaping the Future of AI

Have you ever yelled at a customer service agent over the phone? How about an AI-powered virtual customer service agent? If you answered yes to the latter, then thanks, you’ve made a significant contribution to the future of AI. That’s because Intelligent Virtual Assistants, and the machine learning “brains” behind them, need exposure to natural […]

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The Value of a Good Customer Service Experience

Most companies are aware that the importance of providing a good customer service experience cannot be understated. Increasingly, more and more consumers are making purchasing decisions based on a company’s reputation for providing good customer service. And in many cases, the customer service experience is either more important or just as important as the product […]

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Defining Machine Learning and AI

The terms ‘artificial intelligence’ and ‘machine learning’ are often used in conjunction with one another to describe leading-edge technologies. But while the two are interconnected, machine learning and AI are different. It’s perhaps easiest to define machine learning as one of the underlying technologies of AI. What is it? Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is a form of […]

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3 Customer Service Mistakes that are Costing You Revenue

Your customers are busy. So when they interact with your company, they want to do so quickly and effectively. But, too often, consumers are slowed down by the customer service tactics that companies actually put in place to help. Unfortunately, many of these tactics are seen as obstacles that lead to longer wait times and […]

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Finding the Budget for Voice Biometrics

Implementing some kind of biometrics authentication to protect your customers’ identities used to be an innovation play, but with increasing incidents of frauds and breaches, it has become a hygiene issue in the past few years. If your brand is not putting your customers’ privacy and security at the forefront of your customer experience strategy, […]

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The Ultimate Customer Effort Checklist

Customer effort — the amount of time or effort a customer has to put in to get an issue resolved — can be complicated. There are a lot of different obstacles that can drive up customer effort, and measuring it isn’t always very straightforward, either. But the benefits of reducing customer effort can be substantial. […]

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Machine Learning — It’s About Technique

When it comes to machine learning, one size does not fit all. Different algorithms, and different techniques within those algorithms, are used to build a model that is application appropriate. But how do you determine which technique is best? Because machine learning is not a concrete set of algorithms used across the board, it depends […]

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Top 3 Myths About AI in Business

Artificial intelligence is already being used in businesses across industries – from retail to telecommunications to travel and hospitality. Yet as AI usage continues to expand, the misperceptions regarding AI’s role in the corporate world are impacting companies’ next steps in their industries. It’s time to leave those myths behind and instead focus on AI’s […]

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