[Video]: What is Customer Effort (and Why is it Important)?

Customer effort is an increasingly important topic when it comes to improving the customer service experience. But what is customer effort, and why is it so critical? Watch this video to hear Jane Price, our SVP of Marketing, discuss how customer effort can impact your bottom line. […]

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3 Ways Retailers Can Differentiate via Customer Care

It’s no secret that the quality of companies’ customer service can make or break them. A good customer experience can help your brand, but a bad one can really destroy it. Consider the last time you wrote a review on a company. Was it positive or negative? Research shows that most consumers love to talk […]

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The Impact of Human Touch on Customer Care Preferences

The world of customer care is constantly evolving, as consumer preferences shift and new technologies become available. What’s become apparent recently, however, is that consumers’ level of comfort with automated customer care systems is changing. In a recent research report run by Interactions, results showed that while an overwhelming 79% of respondents had used the […]

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Not All AI is Created Equal: Pure vs. Pragmatic AI

We often see people getting first curious and then confused or even scared with the thought of artificial intelligence. This is mainly because we were first introduced to AI via science fiction – like the classic Terminator or the more recent Westworld. In the film and literary depictions of AI, you’ll find that most of […]

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What can we expect from IVAs in 2018?

There’s no doubt that 2017 was an exciting year for Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) and artificial intelligence. We conducted research showing that consumers’ comfort with automated technology is increasing, and most are willing to try out new methods for resolving customer service issues. We also saw how the introduction and growth of new customer care […]

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[Video]: What is an Intelligent Virtual Assistant?

You may have heard the term ‘Intelligent Virtual Assistant’ used more frequently recently — in articles about speech technology, artificial intelligence, and a broad range of other topics. But what is an intelligent virtual assistant, or IVA? And how, more importantly, can they benefit enterprises looking to improve customer care? I sat down with Priyanka […]

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Is ‘AI’ the New Organic?

There was a point when the term AI conjured thoughts of Terminator and murderbots that took over the world. Today, there’s a resurgence of the term, but times have changed. Now, for many people, the initial image is that of helpful appliances, friendly robots, self-driving cars, wearables, and automated dog walkers. It seems sprinkling in […]

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[Infographic]: Are Your Customers Ready to Embrace AI to Make Payments?

Consumers frequently make payments for goods and services with the help of live agents. However, more than one-third of consumers have indicated that they are uncomfortable doing so. Which leads us to the question — will customers embrace AI to make payments? […]

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