5 Ways Conversational AI Can Help Your Restaurant

Today, people are busier than ever, and eating out is just as common as eating in. With so many options for guests to choose from, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. So, how can you meet your guests’ needs while managing costs and optimizing revenue? With conversational AI, you can  let […]

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Why the Human Touch is Crucial to AI-Powered Virtual Assistants

We’ve talked in length about the reputation AI tends to have – overpowering and sometimes downright creepy. But, what’s not talked about enough is the fact that the importance of humans thrown into the mix can’t be understated. Without humans, every word uttered or typed has a certain emptiness to it, seeming – for lack […]

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The Truth Behind Why Chatbots are Failing Consumers

While the chatbot may be having its 15 minutes of fame, they’re definitely not as efficient as they’re hyped up to be. Sure, the idea of talking to a bot online seems like it would be a quick and efficient way to solve your customer care inquiry, but is that really the case? Forrester’s recent […]

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3 Reasons to Consider Hiring Digital Talent

Meet Rose. Rose is a customer service representative (CSR). She is always friendly, answers calls or chats immediately, and knows each of her customers personally. She always has the answers to all inquiries – simple or complex. She speaks 5 different languages and understands different dialects and accents. On top of that, she works 24/7, […]

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Implementing an Intelligent Virtual Assistant: Understanding “DIY” vs. Vendor Approach

There’s no question that companies who implement a conversational AI solution for their customer care strategy are making the right choice. Per a recent PwC survey of 1,000 business executives who’ve already invested in AI, 46% expect AI to create better customer experiences while 38% expect it to offer significant operational cost savings. Intelligent Virtual […]

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An Executive’s Introduction to Conversational AI

We’ve talked about how to choose the right technology for your customer care strategy and how an automated customer care solution can take your customer experience to the next level. One of those solutions, conversational AI, is becoming quite a buzzword in the customer care industry. However, its important to understand what a true conversational […]

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How CSPs Benefit from Modern Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Communication Service Providers (CSPs) are at the bottom of customer care ratings every year. And it’s no secret why — customers are often very vocal about their displeasure. Combine this dissatisfaction with the fact that customers have more choice than ever when it comes to these services, and it becomes easy to see why churn […]

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4 Trends in IVAs to Look for in 2019

With a new year upon us, we’re looking forward to all of the exciting things Intelligent Virtual Assistants can bring to the customer care table. We wrapped up 2018 with a look back at the year’s biggest customer care trends, and we’re excited to see what 2019 has in store for the technology industry. From […]

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Why virtual assistants are not ‘one size fits all’

Marketers have long understood the importance of a customer-centric approach, but this mindset has never been more crucial. More than two-thirds of marketers today believe their companies compete primarily on customer experience (CX), and with more marketers realizing the importance of CX, this number is projected to grow to 81 percent within two years. Superior CX is already positively […]

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