Delighting for Dollars… How Improving CX Increases Loyalty for Leading Retailers

How are you delighting your customers? For large retailers, this question is of paramount importance, especially during the holiday shopping season.  A delighted customer is loyal. Increased loyalty often translates into those customers making more purchases, more often. A recent study found that 50% of loyal customers will make more purchases with their preferred retailer and 60% […]

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Success-Based Pricing Model: What does it really mean?

Building and deploying innovative technology is time-consuming and stressful, especially when your customer experience could be at risk. There are often variables that are out of your control, making the process daunting and scary. One of those variables is the investment, otherwise known as the price you pay for the system and its use.  Types […]

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Why does AI still need humans? (and where does it need them?)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way in the past decade. Machines can communicate with humans like never before. Some are even smart enough to react and adapt in real time based on the flow of conversation.  Those of us who work in industries like applied AI for customer service get to see this […]

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3 Reasons Why Conversational AI is Crucial to Your Digital Transformation Strategy

Digital Transformation has become the “it” topic for senior leaders across all industries. In fact, according to IDC, direct Digital Transformation investment spending will approach $7.4 trillion between 2020 and 2023. And, with the digital native generation entering the consumer stage and the majority of consumers becoming more connected, the pressure for digital transformation is […]

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Omnichannel versus Opti-channel: The evolution of customer contact channels

This day in age, with consumers more connected than ever, there is a big opportunity to leverage communication between brands and customers to drive business. Specifically, brands should place a big focus on channels, which can include voice, text, chat, smart speakers, and more. When it comes to customer convenience, it’s important for companies to […]

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How to Implement a Voice of the Customer Program

Today, customers are at the center of every decision a company makes. Therefore, companies must be in sync with their customers’ wants and needs. So, how can you find out what your customers are thinking and what they want? Jump into their shoes and walk with them through their journey with a Voice of the […]

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Voice in a Digital World

Last week on our podcast, host Jim Freeze and Susse Jensen, Senior Experience Designer at Adobe, discussed voice design and how businesses can intelligently design voice interface to result in intuitive, effective customer experiences. However, before looking at how voice can be designed to support your customers and their experiences with your brand, it’s important […]

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Interactions Celebrates 15 Years

“When Interactions started out in 2004, a streamlined customer experience certainly wasn’t considered the business necessity that it is today. Our evolution and growing success can be attributed to two key factors: a passionate, hardworking team that believed in our core mission; and the invaluable, longstanding partnerships we’ve forged with forward-thinking companies that share our […]

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3 Ways to Prevent AI from Becoming Creepy

Last week in our podcast, host Jim Freeze interviewed Gabriel Skantze, a professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, about social robots and making AI approachable for humans. While the discussion was mainly based around robots, we decided to write about how the same principles could apply to AI automation. It’s no secret that AI […]

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