Thriving Amidst Rapid Change: Conversational AI and Collections

Accounts Receivable Management (ARM) is on the brink of disruption. But why now? For organizations in the ARM arena, operational efficiency is paramount. Agencies work tirelessly to update day-to-day contact center operations to drive profitability despite a competitive industry landscape. ARM is plagued with challenges, and they don’t seem to be getting any better. What’s […]

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Hold times are unacceptable – now more than ever

After a few weeks of shelter in place and realizing that my prospects of going back to the gym were next to nothing, I caved in and bought the famous indoor stationary bike. As if justifying the cost was not painful enough, the vendor informed me about the backorders and expected waiting period. Naturally, I […]

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3 Ways to Improve Agent Experience with Technology

Improving agent experience not only benefits agents, but also your customers and your business. According to Accenture, companies with great employee experiences still outperform the S&P 500 by 122%. Therefore, it should be a big focus in the contact center. But with an increasing focus on technology, it can seem like live agents are getting […]

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The People Behind the Patents: A Q&A with Interactions Researchers

We hear a lot about the impact of Conversational AI on companies and their customers. But there tends to be an air of mystery surrounding the making of Intelligent Virtual Assistants, or any AI-powered product for that matter. Today, we’re pulling back the curtain.  This week, we spoke with Michael Johnston, Director of Research & […]

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How to evaluate a Conversational AI solution

Often, the top consideration when evaluating a Conversational AI solution is the technology itself. And while the technology is extremely important to build the foundation of a great virtual assistant (more on that here), there are a lot of other considerations that should be top of mind as you evaluate your options. Choosing, implementing, and […]

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Redefining your CX strategy: The COVID-19 Effect

Coronavirus has economies around the world down to its knees. As governments plan a phased approach to open up businesses, consumers are both excited and cautious about their safety and welfare. A recent survey by Deloitte asked people whether they agree with the statement: “I feel safe going to the store right now.” In the […]

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The Design Factor: Three reasons a Managed Service is better for Conversational AI

“Why don’t we just do it ourselves?” These are the famous last words of every failed AI project. Well, maybe not, but they might of well have been. In a false attempt to cut down costs, have more customization over the end-product, and deploy faster, many companies mistakenly approach Conversational AI deployments the same as […]

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Consumer Behavior is Changing, and it’s AI’s time to Shine

Everyone is talking about The New Normal. How will life be different after the pandemic has ended? One interesting shift from pre-pandemic to the new normal will certainly be people’s comfort with using technology in their personal and business lives. From conducting more business over video meetings, to doing more shopping via apps and over […]

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AI Implementation: Choosing between a Quick Fix and a Sustainable Solution

Recent disruptions in the workplace due to COVID-19 have left contact centers scrambling to fill the gaps created by limited or impacted workforce. Long wait times and unanswered calls increases customer dissatisfaction in an already frustrating situation. In a rush to resolve these issues companies are looking at solutions that will lead to instant improvement. […]

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