How should businesses balance their digital investments post-pandemic?

We talk a lot about business continuity planning (BCP) and crisis management on our blog. How can contact centers handle volume spikes? How can technology prevent disruptions in business? How can businesses continue to thrive through unpredictable events? But what about the opposite? How, after a year (or more) of the pandemic, will businesses transition […]

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How to Spark Joy on the Customer Journey through Digital Transformation

A few years ago, Marie Kondo took the hearts of the world when she introduced her method to declutter and organize houses by “sparking joy”. This minimalist approach transformed people’s homes and lives and has since become a fresh way to look at everything in life: if it doesn’t spark joy, it doesn’t belong.  Let’s […]

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The Role of a Confidence Score in Conversational AI

This blog is written courtesy of Interactions R&D team. When should AI say: “I don’t know”? No one is perfect! Humans make mistakes, and so do machines. An admirable quality in humans is to accept one’s mistakes. It turns out that it is also a valuable quality for AI. In recent years, the role of […]

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3 Considerations for an opti-channel digital transformation strategy

Advancing consumer technology and the pandemic has made digital transformation a top priority for business leaders across all industries. What once was a nice-to-have has quickly escalated to a must-have for businesses wanting to compete in the modern age. And it’s no longer just about having digital channels, like websites and apps, but having an […]

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2021 Predictions for Conversational AI and Customer Experience Automation

There is no doubt that technology, especially AI, stood out as the MVP for many businesses during 2020. Limited human-to-human contact and skyrocketing consumer demands highlighted the urgency and necessity of technology to streamline operations, especially the ability for businesses and consumers to communicate. Those with effective automated customer experience applications were able to react […]

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Introducing Odin: Machine Learning Operations at Scale

We’re pleased to announce we are open-sourcing Odin, a lightweight framework for automating machine learning workflows. Odin is a compact, efficient codebase that orchestrates and runs ML workflows, supporting parallel execution of pipeline steps and using a simple Git-backed configuration to describe processing pipelines.  Odin provides a simple API for launching and monitoring jobs and […]

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A CIO’s Role in Disruptive Technologies

A brand’s long term success and relevance is directly related to their appetite to innovate. We’re all heard the stories of brands who failed to challenge the status quo and deploy innovative technologies meant for the digital world. Think of Blockbuster, the once movie distribution giant of the early 2000s who didn’t accept the reality […]

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IVA, IVR, Chatbot, DTMF? What’s the difference?

Technology has the power to make or break a business, especially contact center technology. Don’t believe us? Imagine this: a potential customer calls your brand because they are interested in purchasing your product or service, but is having trouble navigating the website. Depending on the technology that you deploy, that potential customer may have to […]

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2020 Holiday CX Trends

This holiday season is unlike anything we had ever imagined. COVID-19 has changed everything that signifies the holidays – the gatherings, the travel, and well, the shopping! Retailers around the country are gearing up for the most important time of the year while maintaining the safety of their customers and employees.  COVID-19 has changed consumer […]

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