Are 2021 CX Predictions holding up?

I’m sure none of us feel confident in making annual predictions after the curveballs that we saw last year. But, we’re halfway through 2021 and it only feels right to do a check-in on where we stand with the evolution of contact centers and changes to customer experience.  Forbes published 11 CX related Predictions for […]

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Consumer Comfort with AI is Here to Stay

Just a couple days ago, fans around the world wished Michael J. Fox aka “Marty McFly” of Back to the Future, a happy 60th birthday. Seeing that made me remember how that movie shaped my vision of what the future would bring: flying cars, video conferencing, personal drones, and even self-tying shoes. While we have […]

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The 4 Levels of Agent Augmentation

Agents and automation both play an important role in customer experience. Automation can support many functions of customer experience– both directly and indirectly assisting customers. An example of automation directly supporting customers is with virtual agents. These applications are customer-facing and offer self-service options for customers to complete tasks on their own. On the other […]

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RPA 101

It’s no secret that customer service can cause some major headaches. From a recent survey, we found that one of the top contributors of bad customer service is unknowledgeable agents. So should brands be looking to hire better agents? Train them better? Maybe offer more incentives? While these may have minor improvements, the root cause […]

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3 Best Practices for Travel and Hospitality brands to thrive in the new normal

With travel restrictions decreasing and consumers feeling more comfortable leaving their homes, this summer will see a rebound in traffic after a year-long hibernation. Hotels, airlines, and tourist destinations are currently preparing for this resurgence– without actually knowing the volume that it will bring.  According to new research by Zapwater Communications, 65% of Americans are […]

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Better Together: Voice and Text are the future of CX

Everyone texts… but why aren’t brands? Technology is such an integral part of our daily lives. We’re all hyper-connected to our mobile phones and email inboxes, so much so that doctors have coined the term ‘text neck’ due to long periods of time where we’re hunched over, peaking at our technology. With all of these […]

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3 Ways Humans and AI can Work Together

Which is better: machines or humans? We’ve seen the debate for years. When it comes to customer service, there are strong opinions for each.  On one hand, automated systems can handle an unlimited number of customers at once, resulting in less time wasted and lower operational costs. On the other hand, humans can elevate customer […]

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A guide for Conversational AI in Insurance

We’ve long been in the business of creating exceptional customer experiences and our innovation within the insurance space is no different. Our Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Insurance is designed to deliver empathetic customer care across every touchpoint in the policyholder journey using a blend of Conversational AI and human intelligence. The Insurance Industry is Ready […]

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Four Key Considerations for Adopting AI for Debt Collection

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are making significant changes to the way the financial services industry handles consumer credit. From consumer lending to debt collection, machine learning is increasing the profitability of managing receivables, through streamlined services and data-driven insights that maximize returns on investment, while simultaneously improving customer experience. But navigating the myriad of […]

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