From making sure your customers are who they say they are, to ensuring you get a solid ROI, balancing automation with satisfaction, and Generative AI, Joe Kuhn, Solutions Architect at Interactions, has you covered. he covered it all. If you’re navigating the IVA landscape, keep these pointers in mind – and maybe keep Joe on speed dial!
In today’s dynamic landscape of customer service and contact center experience, where every interaction counts, businesses must strive to not just meet but exceed customer expectations. At Interactions LLC, our goal is to make every interaction ‘craveable’ for your customers.
Navigating AI may seem daunting at times, it’s what we do with AI that counts. Each successful interaction, every dollar saved, and every milestone achieved represents a step forward in the journey towards customer service excellence. Interactions continues to set the standard for excellence.
In today’s busy, crowded world, good experiences drive loyalty. And with an endless variety of choices and never enough time, consumers will quickly move on if a business doesn’t provide frictionless, memorable, respectful, and — above all — human-centered customer service experiences.
At the heart of every customer-centric business lies the quintessential question: “How can we improve and optimize the customer experience?” Recently, we hosted a workshop and asked participants to work through the development of a transformation strategy. Here’s a summary of the workshop and the insights gleaned.
As brands continue to focus on improving the customer experience, incorporating automation into customer interactions is becoming more and more important. That’s why technologies such as chatbots and Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) continue to gain popularity.